Day One

My most fantastic boyfriend and I challenge each other on a daily basis and I came to the realization that since graduating college I hardly challenge myself. I’m always distracting my mind with ways to satisfy him and his attention needs and I often forget about my own. Don’t get me wrong, he does a GREAT job handling me and my craziness, and at times I believe he was made for me, but I feel the job should be shared between us. After all, how can one truly be happy if they never challenge themselves within their ever-changing environments?

I have for a while now been on a self-proclaimed soul searching journey, though its been more self-proclaiming than actual soul searching. I have come to an important place in my life on all platforms and feel that it’s worth exploring on a deeper level than just surface. I’ve done things like this in the past and never recorded any of it or started and not followed through, only to kick myself later. I’m very result oriented and love to see how far I’ve come personally along this journey we all call life.

Life. I often think about the meaning of the word and it’s derivitives but never have I found my own definition, only compilations of things and people around me that which I center myself within. But, is that really life?

I’m on a mission to find out and am creating a spiritual journey, kickstarting it with 40 days of blogging and fitness (we’ll see how long this part lasts). If you’d like to join me on my journey of further self discovery and adventures, the more the merrier! I’d love the company 🙂

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